Depression and Joy by Abdulaziz Abdurhman

Foreword: “Humans are much smaller than what we see, and they are weakest in front of their sorrows.
Humans’ sorrows are similar and this is what makes the pain’s thread binds us together, for what is in your heart has passed in my heart. Yet in spite of this, I cannot grant you the prescription to escape these pains or grant you wisdom even if it is little. Just because it is the will of life, and you shall look for a way to escape alone.”

When my depression was born:

When my depression was born, I nursed her with milk of care, and wakefully I looked after her with the eye of love and tenderness.
And my depression grew like every animate grows, strong and fair, and overflows with joy and splendor.
And I loved my depression and she loved me, and together we loved the world around us. Because my depression was soft-hearted and kindly thereupon she rendered my heart a soft and a kindly one.

And when we were talking together, my depression and I, we gave wings and spaces to the dreams of our days and nights. Because my depression was eloquent and fluent tongue thereupon she rendered my tongue an eloquent and a fluent one.

And when we was singing together, my depression and I, our neighbors sat into their windows listening to our singing, because our singing was deep like the deep sea and was strange like the anniversary oddity.

And when we were walking, my depression and I, people yearned to us looking with eyes radiating love and admiration, and speaking with the gentlest and sweetest words. However, some of them were looking at us with eyes of envy, because the depression was veiled and commendable and I was boasting and proud of the depression.

Then my depression died as every animate dies and I, lonely, stayed thinking and meditating.
And here I am, I talk now and my ears cannot bear my voice, and I sing and no one of my neighbors listens to my singing, and I roam the streets and no one cares about me..

But I find my condolence indeed – since I hear voices in my sleep saying sighingly,
“Lo! Lo! Here reposes the man whose depression died!”

When my joy was born:

And when my joy was born, I held her in my arms. Then I ascended to the roof of my house and proclaimed saying, “Come, O my neighbors and acquaintances … Come and see! My joy has been born today … Come and see the spate of my joy Laughing in front of the sun!”

I wholly was struck, for no one of my neighbors came to see my joy. And I kept seven months announcing my joy for people morning and evening from the roof of my house, but no one has ever listened to my voice.

So my joy and I stayed lone and abandoned, no one cared about us.

It was almost a year passed until my joy wearied of her life. So her face paled and changed its color. She ailed as no heart beat with her love but mine, and no mouth kissed her mouth but mine.

And my joy faded away in her dreariness, and I no longer remember her except when I remember my depression.

Thus is the life of the human; there are moments when he may be lonely secluded with his joys, and he may be lone in the nights of his grief. And sometimes these words apply to him: Nothing brings people together like the similar moments of pain.

