The Brasilia Review (est. 2013) is published from Brasília, DF, Brasil by a writer from Kentucky. It is a literary journal. It’s into science, anthropology, and open source, and comes out monthly.

You can contact us at editor _at_ brasiliareview _dot_ org.

Thank you for reading.


Dan Souder
Author of Sweet Bread (free download, free download, or $10 in print), San Tropez (Frontier Publishing), A Guide to the Comic Book Business (Blue Line), independent press articles, technical writing for the National Institutes of Health and the Department of De-fence, and a work in progress, with twelve self-penned books completed.


Nayrb Wasylycia
Winner of a national AIGA design award.


Cover Art
Nayrb Wasylycia – Issues 1-13
The NASA photo archive – more recently



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