ISSUE 1 – July 2013

Welcome to the debut issue of The Brasilia Review.

Christopher Schaeffer dazzingly breaks the mind in two. Charley Foster merges science and religion. Tim Gunn’s poem is like a strained exhale, while Bettie takes the world to task.

Laura Hurwitz contemplates the toughest thing someone must do when a loved one’s ill. Tor Falcon loves the calm of the harshest season. Jeffrey Salome-Callahan pens a touching hybrid piece, while Lucy Younghusband brings wit and humor to what we often throw away.

Editor Dan Souder writes about the recent protests in Brazil. Designer Nayrb Wasylycia crushes it with our cover.

The Brasilia Review is a courier bazaar.



English Winter by Tor Falcon

Lady in Waiting by Laura Hurwitz

An Almanac for the Phases of the Moon by Jeffrey Salamone-Callahan

Regen by Lucy Younghusband



The Protests by Dan Souder



Adlai and Eagleton by Christopher Schaeffer

169* by Tim Gunn

The Physics of Jesus by Charley Foster

Genovese Syndrome by Bettie