In issue 26:


The Path by Stephen Cramer

     “birdseed scattered / by wind & squirrels”

The Pickle Shelves by Holly Day

     “growing smooth in the brine”

Horoscope – July 20, 2017 by James Croal Jackson

     “a little more than usual”

Some commandments for the dreamy Erlking by Paweł Markiewicz

     “poesy of historic ethics”

My Gallery by Sandeep Kumar Mishra

     “Inner lumbering of daily freight”

Metro Stalingrad by Elena Mordovina

     “with the next gesture I propose you my high boot”

This chair no longer moves by itself by Simon Perchik

     “all sleeves empty in the dark”

Old Bones in the Forgotten City by Fabrice Poussin

     “Heaped like a warm fir”